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<span class="ipsBadge ipsBadge_red">ZAMKNIĘTY</span> <TOP 1> Konto League of Legends za skiny CS:GO !&#...


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Dam konto League of Legends za skiny CS:GO / PSC

Nick - SQNK v2 ChriS

Lokacja - EUNE

Dywizja - Unranked ( Sezon 2014 Gold - zlota ramka solo Q )

Postacie - 124 ( wszystkie )

Strony na runy - 20 ( wszystkie )


Skiny ( moglem ominac jakies) :

-Foxfire Ahri

-Popstar Ahri

-Crimson Akali

-Matador Alistar 

-Unchained Alistar

-Pharaoh Amumu

-Goth Annie

-Sherwood Forest Ashe


-Safari Caitlyn

-Gentleman Cho'Gath


-Shadow Evelynn

-Explorer Ezreal

-Nightraven Fiora

-Tundra Fizz

-Void Fizz

-Dreadknight Garen

-Vandal Gragas

-Superfan Gragas

-Mafia Graves

-Victorious Janna

-Commando Jarvan IV

-Angler Jax

-SKT T1 Jax

-Aether Wing Kayle

-Swamp Master Kennen

-Mecha Kha'Zix

-Deep Sea Kog'Maw

-Jurassic Kog'Maw

-Traditional Lee Sin

-Pool Party Lee Sin

-Commando Lux

-Marble Malphite

-Totemic Maokai

-Chosen Master Yi

-Infernal Mordekaiser

-Victorious Morgana

-Galactic Nasus

-Pharaoh Nasus

-Leopard Nidalee

-Gothic Orianna

-Full Metal Pantheon

-Ninja Rammus

-Bloodfury Renekton

-Tribal Ryze

-Asylum Shaco

-Yellow Jacket Shen

-Bandit Sivir

-Sandscourge Skarner

-Guqin Sona

-Arcade Sona

-Bilgewater Swain

-Justicar Syndra

-Crimson Elite Talon

-Bloodstone Taric

-Super Teemo

-Deep Terror Thresh

-Buccaneer Tristana

-Musketeer Twisted Fate

-Spirit Guard Udyr

-Arctic Ops Varus

-Aristocrat Vayne

-Prototype Viktor

-Creator Viktor

-Blood Lord Vladimir

-Big Bad Warwick

-General Wukong

-Imperial Xin Zhao

-Shockblade Zed

-SKT T1 Zed

-Pool Party Ziggs



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